Mood: energetic
I can't thank everyone enough for writing letters and helping spread the word that we care about our children and that they need a break! We know that people are supporting us because we see the changes slowly happening in the Assembly and the Senate. We see sponsers who support the bills that Assemblyman Malong and Senator Singer have proprosed. But we are missing your feedback.
We want to know what you think.
Anything you want to say .... feel free to add comments here.
and while you are at it, please feel free to add information about if your school has recess. And if so how they fit it in (combined with lunch?) .... who watches the children during recess (volunteers? teachers?). Have you heard any rumors or opinions? Does your PTA support us?
If you haven't yet signed our petition, please visit the website and add your name:
Again, thank you for giving RECESS your attention.
- Karen Cecere